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3-Průvodce 3D tiskem: Materiály, typy, aplikace a vlastnosti


SLS 3D Printing

Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) 3D printing is trusted by engineers and manufacturers across a variety of industries for its ability to produce strong, functional parts. Low cost, high production rates, and mature materials make the technology ideal for a range of applications from rapid prototyping to manufacturing assistance and low-volume, bridge, or custom manufacturing.


Because the unfused powder supports the part during printing, no specialized support structures are required. This makes SLS ideal for complex geometries, including internal features, undercuts, thin walls, and negative features.


Like SLA, SLS 3D prints are generally isotropic. The surface finish of SLS parts is slightly rough due to the powder particles, but there are few visible layer lines, and SLS 3D prints can be easily post-processed to further improve mechanical properties and appearance.

3d printing


SLS 3D printing materials are ideal for a range of functional applications, from engineering consumer products to manufacturing and healthcare.


Popular SLS 3D Printing Materials

The material selection for SLS is limited compared to FDM and SLA, but the available materials have excellent mechanical characteristics, with strength resembling injection-molded parts. The most common material for selective laser sintering is nylon, a popular engineering thermoplastic with excellent mechanical properties. Nylon is lightweight, strong, and flexible, as well as stable against impact, chemicals, heat, UV light, water, and dirt. Other popular SLS 3D printing materials include polypropylene (PP) and the flexible TPU.




Nylon 12

Strong, stiff, sturdy, and durable
Impact-resistant and can endure repeated wear and tear
Resistant to UV, light, heat, moisture, solvents, temperature, and water

Functional prototyping
End-use parts
Medical devices

Nylon 11

Similar properties to Nylon 12, but with a higher elasticity, elongation at break, and impact resistance, but lower stiffness

Functional prototyping
End-use parts
Medical devices

Nylon composites

Nylon materials reinforced with glass, aluminum, or carbon fiber for added strength and rigidity

Functional prototyping
Structural end-use parts


Ductile and durable
Chemically resistant

Functional prototyping
End-use parts
Medical devices


Flexible, elastic, and rubbery
Resilient to deformation
High UV stability
Great shock absorption

Functional prototyping
Flexible, rubber-like end-use parts
Medical devices




Compare Plastic 3D Printing Materials and Processes

Different 3D printing materials and plastic 3D printing processes have their own strengths and weaknesses that define their suitability for different applications. The following table provides a high level summary of some key characteristics and considerations.






Low-cost consumer machines and materials available

Great value
High accuracy
Smooth surface finish
Range of functional materials

Strong functional parts
Design freedom
No need for support structures


Low accuracy
Low details
Limited design compatibility
High cost industrial machines if accuracy and high performance materials are needed

Sensitive to long exposure to UV light

More expensive hardware
Limited material options


Low-cost rapid prototyping
Basic proof-of-concept models
Select end-use parts with high-end industrial machines and materials

Functional prototyping
Patterns, molds, and tooling
Dental applications
Jewelry prototyping and casting
Models and props

Functional prototyping
Short-run, bridge, or custom manufacturing


Standard thermoplastics, such as ABS, PLA, and their various blends on consumer level machines. High performance composites on high cost industrial machines

Varieties of resin (thermosetting plastics). Standard, engineering (ABS-like, PP-like, flexible, heat-resistant), castable, dental, and medical (biocompatible). Pure silicone and ceramic.

Engineering thermoplastics. Nylon 11, nylon 12, glass or carbon-filled nylon composites, polypropylene, TPU (elastomer).


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